Isobelle Pascha

The World of Isobelle Pascha
伊索贝拉 巴查的世界




Isobelle Pascha Cock-Tail/伊索贝拉 帕夏鸡尾酒Isobelle Pascha/伊索贝拉 帕夏的一款人偶。发售于官网商店Bambaland,为3A会员(3AA)限定商品。24小时发售。发售为睁眼和闭眼版本的头雕随机派送。  

  • 发售日期:2013年05月27日

  • 发售价格:120USD(含邮费)

  • 发售地点:官网商店Bambaland

  • 包装方式:挂卡

Isobelle Pascha Cock-Tail (for 3AA members) and Ashley Wood speaking about it: "I have been asked to update you guys on the COCK-TAIL sale, As Mondays are dreary days, I think it would be fitting to offer the first online Pascha sale at bambaland for 3AA members to commence on Monday 27th, 9-00am to make it less dreary etc. LIZBETH, Pascha’s good friend will be appearing soon followed by MIYU, The PASCHAVERSE grows! Hope that helps Ash"


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